<![CDATA[AL KRAUS - COYOTE'S DEN - SAILEACH STUDIOS - My Blog]]>Wed, 15 May 2024 15:37:26 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Update 8/20/2019]]>Thu, 22 Aug 2019 23:37:48 GMThttp://coyotesdenstore.com/my-blog/update-8202019It has been a very long time since my last update. I have started to fully come back from my medical treatments and able to get back to work. Currently the focus in on The Huntress. I redid the line drawings and have done the flats. Progress % is of course a rough approximation. Lots of passes to go.

Very happy to be making progress again! 

Keep moving forward.
<![CDATA[Weekly Update 3-11-19]]>Tue, 12 Mar 2019 01:00:59 GMThttp://coyotesdenstore.com/my-blog/weekly-update-3-11-19It has been a long time since my last update. Those of you that know me know just how much has been going on. I'll summarize it now.
  • I have been dealing with some health issues and it has taken up a lot of my time and energy just trying to get and stay healthy. I am not out of the woods yet, but getting closer every day.
  • In addition, I have changed jobs as well. Did I mention the new job was 9 states away? No, well it was, so moving also took up so much of my time lately.

That all said, I have not been completely idle. I have been making progress in my courses, and still learning. I have also been making some good progress on the Mirlini game. I am hoping to have it ready for an initial release soon. I have also decided that when I release I will release through Steam as well as Google Play. So, I have been testing both the Windows version and the Android version as I finish each milestone.

Some general updates from the previous state of everything to now:
  • (100%) CTC: Part II application. Finished. 
  • (100%) Courses: Character Art School: Complete Coloring and Painting. Finished.
  • (100%) Courses: Intuitive Curriculum Development Course. Finished.
  • (52%) Artwork: Huntress. On Hold.
  • (0%) Artwork: Triel. On Hold.
  • (0%) Artwork: Monster (Art Restoration). On Hold.
  • (0%) Artwork: Complete Character Drawing course assignments. On Hold.
  • (0%) Artwork: Draw all the projects in the Disney Faires book​. On Hold.
  • (0%) Writing: Finish first draft of The Island. On Hold.
  • (100%) Game Dev: Mirlini 0.2: Adding select level and level locking/unlocking. Finished
  • (50%) Game Dev: Mirlini 0.3: Filling out each zone to have 5 levels. Working on Level expansion.
  • (0%) Game Dev: Mirlini 0.4: Scoring system & best scores recorded. On Hold.
  • (0%) Game Dev: Mirlini 0.5: Extend zones to include 10 levels each. On Hold.
  • (0%) Game Dev: Perseus (Combat Simulator) 0.2: Adding 3rd person character and enemy base. On Hold.
  • (0%) Game Dev: Perseus (Combat Simulator) 0.3: Randomize connection point. On Hold.
  • (0%) Game Dev: Scorpius (RPG Game) 0.1: Initial play area and ability to move around. On Hold.
  • (0%) Game Dev: Scorpius (RPG Game) 0.2: Initial combat. On Hold.
<![CDATA[Weekly Update 9/4/18...]]>Wed, 05 Sep 2018 00:34:22 GMThttp://coyotesdenstore.com/my-blog/weekly-update-9418It has been a while since I have updated the blog on where I am at. There is a lot going on in my personal life right now, and it has been difficult to find time to work on the projects. That said, I have done a good bit at work.
  • Finished Agile Advantage
  • Finished Graphic Facilation Workbook
  • Finished Attack Timing mechanic for Project Perseus
  • Finished Train the Trainer Foundation: Adult Education Mastery Course
  • Finished C# Unity Developer 2D Course
  • Finished Train the Trainer Pro: No Beginners Allowed! Course
  • Started Intuitive Curriculum Development Course
  • Started Character Art School: Complete Coloring and Painting
  • Completely restarted and finished the Family Portrait
  • Started new drawing - Huntress

Making good progress in my courses, as well as the drawing. My goal is to work on the courses a little each day, as well as some drawing. And then look into what can be down on the other projects.
<![CDATA[Weekly Update 7-2-18]]>Tue, 03 Jul 2018 00:01:12 GMThttp://coyotesdenstore.com/my-blog/weekly-update-7-2-18So, starting to get back in the swing of things. Had a comment about my WIP (Work In Progress). To address that, there are projects that require certain environments in order to get work done on them. Classes for work, classes for me, etc. The important thing that I maintain is that when I sit down to do work on something. I am completely focused on that until I finish that task. Let me know if you have any questions. As far as progress, here it is:
  • Finished: Train the Trainer 101: For Beginners Only! Course
  • Finished: Graphic Facilitation Videos
  • Finished: Pass the Unity Certified Developer Exam Course
  • A little progress on: Graphic Facilitation Workbook
  • Prepared, but not started: Train the Trainer Foundation: Adult Education Mastery Course
  • Good progress on: The Agility Advantage
  • Good progress on: Re-Complete C# Unity Developer 2D

<![CDATA[Weekly Update 6-25-18]]>Mon, 25 Jun 2018 23:03:54 GMThttp://coyotesdenstore.com/my-blog/weekly-update-6-25-18So much going on, so little progress. :) It feels like I am coming around a bend, and am looking forward to being more productive soon. Even so, I have made some progress.
  • Train the Trainer 101: For Beginners Only! Course: made good progress on this
  • CTC Application: made pretty good progress on this as well. Next section is senerios.
  • Pass the Unity Certified Developer Exam Course: Made some really good progress on this one. Going faster than expected.
  • Graphic Facilitation Workbook: Made a little progress here.
  • The Agility Advantage: Made a little progress here as well.

Concentration for next week. I really need to get caught up and finish the CTC application, so this will be a focus for the coming week.
<![CDATA[Weekly Update 6-18-18]]>Mon, 18 Jun 2018 23:39:41 GMThttp://coyotesdenstore.com/my-blog/weekly-update-6-18-18I missed the update last week, as I was traveling to help out with a class in Memphis. The Coaching Agile Teams class was outstanding when I first took it, and incredible when I got the chance to assist the instructors this time. With so much going on, the travel and stress, I have not made much progress on most of my projects, but here is what I have been able to work on since the last update.
  • Made some progress on my CTC application. Starting to fall behind on my dates, but I am making progres on it.
  • Made some good progress on my Graphic Facilitation workbook.
  • Made a little progress on reading The Agility Advatage
  • Made good progress on my Unity Certification course
<![CDATA[Weekly Update: 6-4-18]]>Mon, 04 Jun 2018 23:27:13 GMThttp://coyotesdenstore.com/my-blog/weekly-update-6-4-18It's been another week already. Not a lot to show as far as projects, but I also presented and facilitated the Open Space for Music City Agile this past week-end. I've had so much going on lately that it has been hard to think. Now that I am starting to get some of this stuff behind me, and am starting to feel more like myself again. Little by little. 

Speaking of little, here are the things that have made some progress on:
  • Graphic Facilitation Workbook 
  • Pass the Unity Certified Developer Exam Course

I will need to do a lot of work on my CTC application this week to try and get caught up. Let's go get it done!
<![CDATA[Weekly Update 5-28-18]]>Mon, 28 May 2018 23:06:42 GMThttp://coyotesdenstore.com/my-blog/weekly-update-5-28-18This has been a stressful week. As such, I have not made as much progress as I would have liked. 
  • Finished Happiness Life Coach Certification Course
  • Prepared Graphic Facilitation Videos to go with the workbook
  • Made some progress on the Pass the Unity Certification Developer exam course

Next week will be another odd week. With Memorial Day (Thank you for all those that have served our country!) and with Music City Agile this weekend coming up. It will be interesting to see what I can get accomplished this week. Hopefully my work laptop is fixed and not still a hinderence.

​Wiah me luck! :)
<![CDATA[Weekly Update 5-21-18]]>Mon, 21 May 2018 23:54:54 GMThttp://coyotesdenstore.com/my-blog/weekly-update-5-21This has been a stressful week to say the least. I tried desperately to get caught up on the both the TNCPE pre-work as well as my CTC application. However, it appears the special project at work that I was assigned to is going to be a heavy drain on my time. Because of that, I had to make the extremely hard decision to withdraw my application to the TNCPE board of examiners. I was concerned that after being assigned to a team, I would not be able to do the work I needed to because of the demands of everything at work. This is why you will see the objective marked as cancelled. Here is the summary of what I was able to accomplish:
  • a couple of hours on TNCPE Pre-work.
  • Some progress on the Happiness Life Coach Certification course
  • Progress on the CTC application
  • Good progress on the Unity Certification Course
<![CDATA[Weekly Update 5-14-18]]>Tue, 15 May 2018 00:27:54 GMThttp://coyotesdenstore.com/my-blog/weekly-updaye-5-14-18Still feeling overwlemed this week. There was a lot going on at work as we drew to an internal Open Space, followed by an important release retro. I am falling a little behind on my TNCPE & CTC work. Not so much that I cannot catch up, but I am definitely feeling the deadlines coming on quickly. So here we go....
  • Finished the Photorealistic Digital Painting from Beginner to Advanced Course
  • Mada a little progress on the CTC Application
  • Made some progress on the TNCPE Pre-work
  • Did a little bit of gathering notes for he Island to better allow me to move faster later on.
  • Started the Pass the Unity Certified Developer Exam Course

​Looking forward to having tomorrow off, and then will get right back into the swing of things to get caught up.