Upcoming Milestones:
Project Status:
- (16%) Artwork: Huntress.
- (80%) Game Dev: Mirlini Alpha: Initial release for feedback
Current Progress: The Huntress
Perseus is a build of an idea for a different combat system. It is to quickly try out the idea, to see if it is worth pursuing or not. The first version is now ready for testing. Any feedback is appreciated.
Perseus - Android
Perseus - Android
Here is the current version of the Mirlini game. You can download this and install on your Android device to try it out. Please send me any feedback you have.
Mirlini - Android
Mirlini - Android
New Saileach Studios Logo
The previous version of the logo for Saileach Studios was extremely low resolution. This caused a great deal of issues then I tried to enlarge the image. I had played with the idea of designing knot work that was made up of animals. That was taking a long time, and I was not happy with the results. During my recent training in Blender, I came across a technique that I though would help me to recreate the knot work found in the original image. As well as a way to quickly create a modeled Willow tree that could replace the image in the middle.
Here is the final before and after of the Logo rebuild.
Here is the final before and after of the Logo rebuild.
Unity Game Development Class (Complete for now)
I have started teaching a class to help people learn how to code by building games in Unity. The initial projects are based on the tutorials found on the Unity website.
Project 1: Hello World
Often the first project any coder ever does, this project allows the student to write their first line of code in minutes.
Project 2: Roll A Ball
In this project, we build a game where the player moves a ball around a play area to collect obejcts and score points.
Download File
Project 2: Space Shooter
In this project, we build a game where the player flies a space ship around the screen shooting at asteroids.
Space Shooter
Download File
Project 3: Survival Shooter
In this project we build a game where the player travels around the room shooting zombie stuff animals to survive for as long as possible
Survival Shooter
Download File
Project 4: Tanks
I just finished the next game for the class. In this game, 2 players can use the same computer to compete by driving tanks around the screen shooting at each other. There are some intermediate sections in this project, such as an Audio Mixer. But the break down should be easy to follow for the class. I cannot wait to see them get this far.
Download File
Finished working on the 2D UFO game. This is very similar to the Roll A Ball game we started with, but with using 2D physics instead of 3D.
2D UFI.mp4
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